Tag Archives: 1986

From the book The forms of colour: the interaction of visual elements by Karl Gerstner, 1986. via design-is-fine.

Class by Brian Hastings, 1986. ATASCII animation on Atari 800 that won the Atari ‘Toons contest in the ANTIC magazine. They call it cursor art.

More videos and info at Break Into Chat.

Elektronika MK-85 and its character set. It was the first Soviet calculator with BASIC, and almost an exact copy of the Casio FX-700P.

A Star Trek episode recreated in C64 BASIC by James Gaither, 1986. The sound was obviously added later.

Some teletext/videotex standards offer more than alphanumerical characters. Like the Canadian Telidon, which used vector graphics. These are Telidon images, made by Jacques Palumbo in 1986.

Meanwhile in Japan, videotex was more complex: it was alphaphotographic. That is a combination of text and hi-res photos. It supposedly worked like a fax machine for the TV. See Captain.

Pinky was a hobbyist Minitel micro server, 1986-1992. It received around 30,000 calls. It ran on Atari ST and Telestrat.

Rockstar by Wizard Games, 1986.