Tag Archives: print

From MAD Magazine, 1965. via rainemanisfake

50 vogels – a project to print 50 birds each with 16×16 LEGO pieces. Made by Roy Scholten and Martijn van der Blom, 2018. Prints are available to buy, and a book is coming in October. More info available here.

via printmag

Dino cards – printed with LEGO pieces as letterpress. Made by Roy Scholten and Martijin van der Blom, 2017. via printmag

Yarn Drawing No. 16 by Sonya Rapoport and Charles Simmonds, 1976.

“Rapoport imposed what she called a “feminist art language code” on salvaged mainframe printouts, stitching them together like pieces of a patchwork quilt with rainbow yarn that she laced through the paper’s pinfeed holes.” >> artinprint

Book cover for Pedro Xisto’s Particulars, 1984. Features a poem by the author performed on a computer by Erthos Albino de Souza, according to this. via garadinervi

ASCII art cover by Super Quiet for Groove magazine, 2017.

Big ASCII print in Istanbul, Turkey. Photo by James Athurman.

Typographic faces in The Strand magazine, England, March 1909. from yesterdaysprint

The bottom ones are very similar to these emoticons from 1881.

Computer – Come and Dance (1977). ASCII art in the disco era. Includes the hit Nobody loves a computer because a computer does not dance. h/t: David Viens.

A2 PETSCII-poster by Tommi Musturi available here. Comes with an SD-card with music by Goto80 and Josh Bailey.