From Hortau2024, a collection of xbin-works by Hortau. Xbin allows for custom fonts and palettes.
From Hortau2024, a collection of xbin-works by Hortau. Xbin allows for custom fonts and palettes.
Graffiti-inspired ANSI, PETSCII and XBIN works by Smooth, 2022. Extra large resolution on some of these (160 chars wide).
Xbin works (ANSI with custom fonts and colours) made by participants in Heikki Lotvonen‘s (grmmxi) workshop at the Estonian Academy of Arts. via sixteencolors
ANSI with custom font and colours (Xbin) by Ansichrist/Sense, 2004.
Farewell by Cyonx – a ninja turtles ANSI with custom colours (xbin), based on a painting by Joao Pires. h/t: sixteen colors
By F0st for the Blocktronics pack Block n Roll. This is in xbin – an ANSI-like format.
Xbin art by Knocturnal for 1980 by Blocktronics, 2014.