Tag Archives: ascii

ASCII by Veronica Karlsson (VK) from here.

From Ascii Graffiti 2 by Dino, 2021. A huge Amiga ASCII colly of more than 16,000 lines. He developed his own figlet fonts for this.

More Dino posts here.

By Peanut, 1992-1994.

By Mike Sussman (Phoenix Jr.), 1992.

By Terry Traver, 1992.

Nadine (Lady Luck), 1991. Perhaps she is referring to Yvonne Adams?

ASCII by Rowan Crawford (Row), 1993-1994.

Amiga ASCII by Dino, while he was in the infamous Skywalkers graffiti crew. From various collies 2000-2002.

ASCII-works by b’ger (Joris Bellenger), 1997.

More b’ger