Tag Archives: character set

Jindai moji, supposedly used in Japan in the 17th century, via @tkasasagi.

This recent Unicode-proposal about 8-bit character sets is a great initiative, although it only includes platforms that were popular in USA and UK. For now. ;) The uncredited PETSCII Darth Vader is by Ailadi, btw.

Sharp MZ-700 character sets (Japanese first, European second), from sharpmz.org. See sharpscii graphics here.

Tatung Einstein (1984) and its rather special character set. Also, don’t miss the active Geocities-style site tatungeinstein.co.uk. Photos from here and here.

If you delete all fonts in XP, you’re greeted with nonsense like this afterwards.

Dingbats are forever. via WinWorld

The font of the portable TRS-80 Model 100 (1983).

Terminal Rain, a textmode game with a custom font, developed by Jackson Lango. (Twitter)

Four fonts: AT&T 3B2, a Compaq Portable III, a LED scrolling sign, and a Waters 600E pump controller. Extracted by fuckyeahfortran , via.

Videotex character sets 1983, 1987, 1993. Seems like these would have required hi-res or vector fonts?

African 8-bit ASCII, or more correctly: ISO 6438, first registerred in 1979. This was based on a Western attempt to create a phonetic alphabet for many African languages. ISO 6438 was rarely used.