Tag Archives: 1990s

Leningrad / Crash virus (1998).
This is a not memory resident benign virus which searches for COM files and infects them by a standard manner. On Friday, 13th it types:

That could be a crash, crash, crash !

ATTENTION I have been elected to inform you that throughout your process of collecting and executing files, you have accdientally (sic) ¶HÜ¢KΣ► [PHUCKED] yourself over: again, that’s PHUCKED yourself over. No, it cannot be; YES, it CAN be, a √ìτûs [virus] has infected your system. Now what do you have to say about that? HAHAHAHAHA. Have ¶HÜÑ [PHUN] with this one and remember, there is NO cure for AIDS

AIDS (circa 1990) is a computer virus written in Turbo Pascal 3.01a which overwrites com files.

Phantom virus (1994)

Congradulations!!! Your computer is now infected with a high performance PHANTOM virus! Coming soon: next virii based on the _C00LEST_ mutation engine all over the world: the Advanced Polymorphic Engine! Enjoy this intro! (C) 1994 by Dark Prince.

PS-MPC virus (1993) PS-MPC.Math-test is one of the viruses created with Phalcon/Skism Mass Produced Code Generator. The virus stays resident in memory and infects practically all executed COM and EXE programs.

Joshi is a boot sector virus from 1990 that is able to infect hard drives. With regard to floppy disks, it only infects 360 kilobyte and 1.2 megabyte 5.25 inch floppies. It was made by Manav Joshi, a software engineer in Mumbai.

An ANSI-bomb changes the keys of your keyboard. For example, when you press return it will ask if you want to format your hard drive. If you answer N as in no, it might be formatted anyway if N has been programmed to mean Y.

It’s not really a virus, since it just uses a built-in feature of ANSI.SYS, but it can be used to make trojans still gets some virus-paranoid people going.


Media Markt virus from 1995. Trashes all your drives! 

The Shatin virus (1995) activates on the 1st of any month, when it displays a full screen message (你死了 Translation: You Died or 毋忘我 – Don’t Forget Me written yellow on blue background) and hangs the computer.

Fellowship virus (1990). It attaches it to the end of .EXE files, but may overwrite the end of the original file. The virus itself is 1019 bytes long.

RP virus (1996) RP activates on the 17th of December. When the machine is booted on that date, the virus decrypts a message, switches the display to 40 column mode and displays the following text: RP wants to say hello! After this, the virus overwrites part of the hard drive, making the machine unbootable.