PETSCII-works by bnjmnbrgmn (Benjamin Bergman), 2021.
PETSCII-works by bnjmnbrgmn (Benjamin Bergman), 2021.
The new gamer by Ailadi, 2023.
Here’s a few font experiments, more or less sensible, that you should be aware of:
Chromatic permutations by Luigi Ferro, 1967. From Typewriter Art.
Dekora Schmuck, a font by Schriftguss AG, 1930/31. via
Homage to Vasarely by Alan Riddell, 1971. From Typewriter Art.
Amiga ASCII by Mortimer Twang, most likely mid-1990s. Picked from various collies.
By Agda Österberg. Unknown dates, taken from various sources.
Graffiti-inspired ANSI, PETSCII and XBIN works by Smooth, 2022. Extra large resolution on some of these (160 chars wide).