By Sonya Rapoport. Unknown year, but looks like something from the 1980’s Shoe Field exhibition that we’ve posted about before.
By Sonya Rapoport. Unknown year, but looks like something from the 1980’s Shoe Field exhibition that we’ve posted about before.
Amiga ASCII by Mortimer Twang, most likely mid-1990s. Picked from various collies.
Amiga ASCII characters by Mortimer Twang, probably mid-1990s.
Amiga ASCII by Desoto, 1995-1996.
Graffiti-inspired ANSI and ASCII by Smooth (5m), 2020-2021. Some of these have unusually high resolution (160-255 chars wide). via sixteencolors
By Roy Sussman (aka Phoenix), 1991-1993. One of the more blocky ASCII-stylists on Usenet back then. Also see Oviatt & Keech.
By Susie Oviatt, 1992-1994. She was part of the minority of people who made blocky ASCII instead of line-based ASCII on Usenet in the early 1990s (also see RikRok).