Various Amiga ASCIIs by Ilkke.

ASCII Junkie by Juice, 1997. Amiga 500-demo with 5 minutes of ASCII-converted video. 

Manhattan by Ingrid Dessau (1953)

By theunga.

Shift-JIS version of Self-portrait of seven fingers by Marc Chagall, 1913.

Drawing, screwing and painting… meet Andrew Myers!

He starts with a base, plywood panel, and then places pages of a phone book on top. He then draws out a face and pre-drills 8,000 to 10,000 holes, by hand. As he drills in the screws, Myers doesn’t rely on any computer software to guide him, he figures it out as he goes along.


From the book Kykafrikaans by Willem Boshoff, 1980.

‘Nida goes on vacation’ by Nida!COREAd/zHk : 2009-02-03

From Hotline, an exhibition by Dominique Pétrin, 2014.

Jindai moji, supposedly used in Japan in the 17th century, via @tkasasagi.

Sign Language Alphabet by ladybugdesigns1995, via

Super Mario Bros, made in Taiwaneese ANSI text graphics. via

From MAD Magazine, 1965. via rainemanisfake

Nonograms are picture logic puzzles in which cells in a grid must be colored or left blank according to numbers at the side of the grid to reveal a hidden picture. Pics from the swedish magazine ‘Japanska bildpuzzel’ nº6 (2011)

ASCIIQuarium, a perl-script by Robobunny with graphics mostly by Joan Stark. There are screensaver versions for OSX and Win. GIF made from this video by Mewbies.

The Melnikov House by architect Konstantin Melnikov (1920s)


Ascii Penis Family

Classiest. Family. Ever.

A 10-foot room made from tape in 4 colours by Megan Geckler and a team of crafters. Via Creators Project.

While the end result of the artwork looks very digital and fabricated, when you see it in person, it becomes immediately obvious that this was crafted and you are aware of the amount of man-hours if must have taken to create.