Recent PETSCII works by Raquel Meyers.
Recent PETSCII works by Raquel Meyers.
H.P. Lovecraft in Text-mode by Raquel Meyers is out now as a free pdf, and as a hardcover book (only for the funders, for now). More here.
Fuck yourself with your logic / #KYBDslöjd Noise my TxT with Alexandra Nilsson #teletext #typewriter #C64 #PETSCII #cassette live performance by rakelmeyers
Brand new book with academic research on teletext. Contains one chapter by Raquel Meyers on teletext and art. Available as free PDF or in print.
Vladijenk II by Ceephax Acid Crew. PETSCII-video by Raquel Meyers, typing character by character.
Kids in Malmö going wild to Game Over, a PETSCII-fuelled theater performance by Raquel Meyers, Banditsagor and Henrik Bromander.
Teletext Monster Girl t-shirt by Raquel Meyers, available at society6.