Works by Rolf Harder and Ernst Roch published between 1963 and 1989. Images via Design Reviewed, MOMA, AGI, Kind Company and Graphis.

By Agda Österberg, 1960’s. Images from around the internets.

Amiga ASCII characters by Mortimer Twang, probably mid-1990s.

Pitman’s Typewriter Manual, 1893. The portrait at the bottom right is believed to be the oldest preserved typewritten portrait. via

PETSCII video by Ailadi, 2023. Rosie Tucker – Hot Spring.

By Jiří Kolář, mid-1960s. From Typewriter Art.


Emoticon-like characters in The Humboldt Union, Kansas, May 14, 1881. via Yesterday’s Print.

More 1800s emoticons here,

Amiga ASCII by Desoto, 1995-1996.


Plotted textmode graphics (modified PETSCII) by Lykerex, 2024.

Texture poem for the moons of stars by Peter Finch, 1971. From Typewriter Art.