Tag Archives: china

Chinese ANSI by Flubber.

George Michael in Chinese ANSI by flubber.

Chinese ANSI by Yahoo.

Chinese ANSI by Yahoo.

Curt Cobain in Chinese ANSI. By flubber.

[吉卜力] 1994 歡喜碰碰狸 by NiceCafe @ NewSMTH

Chinese ANSI by Yahoo.

Chinese ANSI by missher.

“Video Coding – I’ll be there for you like I’ve been there before.”


From ANSIArt of China Expo (ACE2013), August 7, 2013. Featuring Chinese ANSI from various artists, aswell as western ANSIs from Blocktronics. Pictures from here and here. Also check these two videos.

We have featured some of these works before here.