Tag Archives: videotext

Der vierte Stern

International Teletext Art Festival ITAF 2014 Prize results!
Dan Farrimond (UK) is the winner of the Teletext Art Prize with his series of five images “TXT Punk: An Alternative History of Teletext”.
Check his tumblr http://ift.tt/1qEpEJ7
The jury decided also to give the first ever Teletetxt Art Achievement Award to artist Raquel Meyers (SWE).
Honorary mentions go to Amanda Siegel, Kim Asendorf and Francis Hunger. 

#itaf14  Teletext Pop-up-Galerie auf der #IFA 2014 in der ARD-Halle 2.2, via

Angela Merkel teletext portrait.

Arjan Swets:

After the MSX-1 a bought an MSX-2 . The NMS 8250 .I Still have this computer and all the accessories. Like the FM-PAC , Philips music module with the keyboard, modems . I’ve been online for almost 4 years with a minihost videotext databank(MSX-Net).