Tag Archives: 2007

By  CTRL+C & CTRL+V (2007)

By CTRL+C & CTRL+V (2007)

Godzilla by  = 。= (2007)

asciimation by origamiguy (2007).

@  WWI Dogfight asciimation by Steve, 2007.

Trampoline asciimation by Flup at asciimator.net, 2007.

2024-update: see the archived page at Wayback Machine and this archive.org page.

Fujiya & Miyagi – Ankle Injuries (2007). Dice animation.

= 。= : 2007-02-06 16:15

CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-02-11 03:22

モナーたちにハレ晴レユカイを躍らせてみた。(I tried to make the Monas dance Hare Hare Yukai) by naizouken426, 2007. Based on the Haruhi Dance from Hare Hare Yukai.