Photos of houses in Tiébélé, Burkina Faso, gathered from around the interwebs.

A font made in PETSCII by Wacek, 2013. Small characters are 2×3 PETSCII-chars, big ones 2×5 chars.

Javascript works by Yannick Gregoire, 2021-2024. Also check out his texty and keyboard-operated website.

Nfo by EGO with graphics by Juice, 2000. EGO – NO MORE EGO. via nfolog

T▃╳t─le by Paul Prudence, 2024. “Garden of forking truchets with characters ▃,╳,─, and ▐”

From Hortau2024, a collection of xbin-works by Hortau. Xbin allows for custom fonts and palettes.

Imaginary warez scene screens from Hortau, 2023. Possibly uses the xbin format.

In 1992, it was discovered that ‘NYC’ written with Microsoft’s Wingdings font, was rendered as above. Microsoft was accused with antisemitism, which they denied. Their Webdings font, released in 1997, instead rendered NYC as eye, heart and city skyline. After 9/11 there was a hoax circulating about Wingdings, which you can read about in The Wingdings Controversy.

Fireplace by Exocet, 2023. Made for that year’s Teletext Advent Calendar that was broadcasted in Germany, Austria and Finland.

ANSI by Jaydee (aka Cyre), 1995-1996.