ATASCII in MMoDA, an Atari ST demo by pépé, 2021. Art history converted into multi-screen ATASCII-pictures.
ATASCII in MMoDA, an Atari ST demo by pépé, 2021. Art history converted into multi-screen ATASCII-pictures.
ATASCII Tube – a collection of Atari ASCII animations viewable in the browser, with adjustable speed (bps). Made by Josh Renaud. Showed is a clip from Lawrence of Albania by Tom D’Ambrosio.
Clip from an Atari ATASCII animation with sound from 1987. Likely first published on a BBS. It’s called Rambone and was made by Kung Fu Master. Recovered and filmed by Ryan Goolevitch. h/t Marcin Wichary.
A short Atari animation about murdering people who like Amiga. More here.
Pretty great fight animation in ATASCII. By Peter A. Ritchie, 1986. source/more
ATASCII animation by Alan Kirk, 1986. Also uses custom characters. More info & ATASCII-videos at Break Into Chat.
Class by Brian Hastings, 1986. ATASCII animation on Atari 800 that won the Atari ‘Toons contest in the ANTIC magazine. They call it cursor art.
More videos and info at Break Into Chat.