textmode.art by humanbydefinition is a browser tool that allows you to upload and layer images and videos and add effects to it. You can experiment with character sets and many other things. Work in progress.
Javascript works by Yannick Gregoire, 2021-2024. Also check out his texty and keyboard-operated website.
T▃╳t─le by Paul Prudence, 2024. “Garden of forking truchets with characters ▃,╳,─, and ▐”
From Hortau2024, a collection of xbin-works by Hortau. Xbin allows for custom fonts and palettes.
Fireplace by Exocet, 2023. Made for that year’s Teletext Advent Calendar that was broadcasted in Germany, Austria and Finland.
Plotted graphics by Swanny Mouton, 2024.
Back to the PET by Shiru, 2022. A textmode demo for the Commodore PET computer from 1977.