Terminal Text Effects, a visual effects engine for terminals by Chris Builds. Only a selection of effects shown here. h/t: Ray Manta
Terminal Text Effects, a visual effects engine for terminals by Chris Builds. Only a selection of effects shown here. h/t: Ray Manta
A beer animation for the VT100 terminal. Unknown author and date. More VT100 here and here.
BAMBI versus GODZILLA, by Dave Brett for the VT100 terminal. A comment on the video mentions seeing it in 1980, so this post is dated to 1979.
It’s based on an animation from 1969 by Marv Newland. This and other VT100-animations are available at textfiles.com.
Examples from clankill3r’s P5 Terminal Graphics, which uses the terminal to show things programmed in Processing.
Juggly GIF-animations of ASCII Art JuggleMaster by Mewbies, 2013. From a video of this terminal program in action, with a much smoother flow.
ASCIIQuarium, a perl-script by Robobunny with graphics mostly by Joan Stark. There are screensaver versions for OSX and Win. GIF made from this video by Mewbies.
Twilight Zone, an ASCII-animation made for the VT100 terminal by Rudy Borkowski 1983-1984. In a comment on the video he writes:
I am the creator of the VT100 TwilightZone. (I also did one for The Outer Limits which, if I recall, has my name printed at the end). I created it by writing a program in Basic in VAX/VMS to emit the entire escape sequence into a file that could then be “printed” out to the screen. I did this either in 1983 or 1984. I was working at RCA Government Communications Systems Division at the time. For a few years I kept a copy of the original code but then on some job transition I lost all the code I wrote at RCA. That entire sequence simply came out of my imagination and desire to have fun with cursor addressing, which was a bit of a hobby of mine at the time.
The video is archived here. More VT100 can be found at textfiles.com.