Matches for: “mupid” …

This looks like a great keyboard for text graphics. There are dedicated keys for switching character sets, choosing and defining colours, manipulating fonts (DCRS), etc. Towards the top right, it looks like a dedicated set of keys for “pixeling” on a sub-char level?

This is the TBT-03 keyboard by Loewe, for the MCT 26 television. Circa 1984. It is used for the German videotex format BTX (and possibly other similar CEPT-standards like the Mupid?). Found here. Also see the TBT-02 keyboard


Mupid was an Austrian videotex terminal that was also a programmable computer. It supported text graphics with custom fonts, pixel and vector graphics with 4096 colours, and telesoftware. More info here, here and here. h/t: Tim Koch

The MUPID was an early home computer like system (1981-1983) designed and invented by Hermann Maurer for the University of Graz to be used as a Bildschirmtext terminal, but it was also capable of being used as a stand alone computer.