Country music video kings! via nfolog
Two parts of Picasso’s Guernica (1937) made in Shift-JIS.
Shift-JIS version of The Kiss by Gustav Klimt, 1908.
Shift-JIS version of Nudes against a red background by Fernard Leger, 1923.
Shift-JIS version of Self-portrait of seven fingers by Marc Chagall, 1913.
Shift-JIS version of Petre Paul Rubens’ The descent from the cross, 1614.
Shift-JIS version of Weeping Woman by Pablo Picasso, 1937.
Shift-JIS version of Luna by Evelyn de Morgan, 1885.
Shift-JIS version of Great american nude no 98 by Tom Wesselmann, 1967.
Badly compressed JPG2ASCII-conversion by Stevendkay.