Tag Archives: 2014


the unicode 7.0 standard has been released, and it adds a bunch of characters to the Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs block (or “new emoji” according to some in the media)

but most of these “new” characters have been around for more than 15 years, as part of the webdings and wingdings 1-3 fonts! so if you have these fonts installed then you don’t have to wait until to play around with them until your chat app is updated — you can enjoy them using the glitch text generator!

for example, the much-talked-about “no piracy” character is “#” in webdings.

Trixels trixels… Nike Air Max TN (10th Anniversary Edition) via

Tracklist for Files in Space by Goto80.

Thread of Fate by Raquel Meyers, 2014. From teletext to cross-stitch.

Hot Pop, a PETSCII and teletext performance by Raquel Meyers in Jerusalem today. Photo by Alma Alloro.