Tag Archives: braille

Braille Single Cell Sampler, via.


Encore une fois, ”l’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.”

Braille karaoke by Nippon Telesoft. Karaoke-system with braille display for the visually impaired.

WAR IS OVER! IF YOU WANT IT Happy Christmas from John & Yoko

Braille art from Consultations, an exhibition at Contemporary Art Exhibition in Nanjing, China, 2006. Source 1 and 2.

Post updated in 2024.

 TM Issue 4 cover design by Heinrich Fleischhacker using the braille writing system (1975).

“Braille Playboy” by Tricia Wright.

χχχ braille. Playboy started making these in 1970. A Tumblr-hit!

Braille art by Kotara Studio.

Braille art by Cobra_11 (2012).