Greek teletext, via Frederic Cambus
Typewriter art by Keith Armstrong, compiled in 2012.
C64 text graphics and music program faxed into outer space.
‘Fax & Frankering for Folket’ performance. Original DEFMON and raquel meyers.
By 4213raijinbot_v (2012).
oooooO! Advertising on Swedish teletext on channel TV4.
ダイアログ AAセット by illiorzilli (2012)
作者: wskaka (kaka3:運氣也實力的一種) 看板: asciiart 標題: 幽靈公主佩羅娜 時間: Tue Nov 27 22:03:50 2012
The best ASCII action movie! You can check the individual frames here.
The Ferret Show, a PETSCII-musical by Goto80, Raquel Meyers and Uwe Schenk and his band. Video, info, graphics.
More χχχ teltetext faces from German TV.