A ~1000 year old slit tapestry from Peru, made in the Chimu culture, via
A ~1000 year old slit tapestry from Peru, made in the Chimu culture, via
Praça dos Restauradores (Lisbon). The square is dedicated to the restoration of the independence of Portugal in 1640. Photo by Simon Zino.
15th Century BOOK OF HOURS – Heart-Shaped When Opened
The little book of hours of Amiens Nicolas Blairie, carefully written on a thin Ruling rose, but modestly decorated with some original illuminations in ink (folio 29), has the curious shape of an almond when it is closed. When it opens, the two halves of the almond bloom to fit the contours of a heart, concrete evocation of the heart of the person praying the prayer that opens.
Runic calendar from the Estonian island Saaremaa, possibly from medieval times. Source, via writing-system.
Mosaic border designs from a Sicilian church, produced in the 12th century. Via.