Vladimir Putin in ASCII generated by ChatGPT, via chatgpt.art.
Vladimir Putin in ASCII generated by ChatGPT, via chatgpt.art.
aiweirdness: I’ve finally found it: a use for chatGPT that I find genuinely entertaining. I enjoy its ASCII art.
I think chatGPT’s ASCII art is great. And so does chatGPT.
What’s going on here? The chatbots are flailing. Their ASCII art is terrible, and their ratings are based on the way ratings should sound, not based on any capacity to judge the art quality.
Am I entertained? Okay, yes, fine. But it also goes to show how internet-trained chatbots are using common patterns rather than reality. No wonder they’re lousy at playing search engine.
More examples, including from bing chat and google bard, at aiweirdness.com
A recent post at PETSCIIBOTS.
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