Tag Archives: 1900s

Typographic faces in The Strand magazine, England, March 1909. from yesterdaysprint

The bottom ones are very similar to these emoticons from 1881.


The Winfield Daily Free Press, Kansas, April 18, 1904


Chariton Courier, Keytesville, Missouri, December 23, 1904

Hey let’s call this the first Unicode art because it combines “emojis” and typographical characters?

Jacob Gordin’s micrography, made around 1900. Micrography is like Jewish ASCII, only it was invented about 1200 years ago..

Rug by Pierre Cardin, Origin: Spain, Circa: Early 20th Century, via

Kuehn, Heinrich
Vereinigte Stickmuster-Verlage Heft No. 757 Berlin, Heinrich Kuehn, [c. 1900], Via.

Sigerus, Emil
Siebenburgisch-Sachsische Leinenstickerei Dritte verbesserte Auflage Hermannstadt, Kunstverlag Jos. Drotleff [c.1900, 19 plates]. Via.

Whist, a playing cards set by Ditha Moser (Vienna, 1905-1906).

Tree of Life (1905) and Stoclet Frieze Knight (ca 1910) by Gustav Klimt.