Tag Archives: 1951

Seine, oil on wood by Ellsworth Kelly 1951, with a study. The physicist Brian Gin-ge Chen discusses the painting in terms of diffusion, predictable randomness, geography, lottery, percolation, etc:

Rectangles were placed according to numbers drawn out of a hat!

Each of the first 41 columns contains one more black
rectangle than the one to its left.
Each of the next 40 following columns contains one more
white rectangle than the one to its left.

“On The Road” Scroll 
In April 1951, Kerouac taped together eight twenty-foot strips of teletype paper to from a single scroll some 127 feet long. Feeding it into a portable typewriter.

Teletype Corporation’s Model 28 line of communications terminals was first delivered to the US Military in 1951, via.

Typewriter Mystery Games by Julius Nelson (1951). Thanks to Andrew Belsey for the tip.

Update: now available on archive.org