Drawing in terminal with Unicode braille characters. By Asciimoo.
via fcambus
Flappy Braille – a “flappy bird” game that you play in the address bar of the browser. Made by Alexandre G.-Raymond.
See more braille art here. Also check other minigames like ABaroids (in the address bar) and Defender of the Favicon by p01 (in the favicon).
Braille typesetter, photographed by T Dog, 2009.
Software for braille graphics by Nippon Telesoft.
Next generation Perkins Brailler and a train.
Found this Braille style picture of the Ulam Spiral:
When arranging the natural numbers in a spiral and emphasizing the prime numbers, an intriguing and not fully explained pattern is observed, called the Ulam spiral.
Found when reading about some new deep connection of prime numbers which is a real kioskvältare in mathematics.
Ilias Fotopoulos’ Braille Project wallpaper showed at Matilda, an Australian exhibition at The London Design Festival 2010, via.