Tag Archives: shiftjis

Well-made shift-JIS conversion of the Bad Apple video. It is a meme that grew out of the Touhou project – the world’s largest collaborative shooter game series. The first game was made in 1996 for the PC-9801 and had nice FM-music.

モナーたちにハレ晴レユカイを躍らせてみた。(I tried to make the Monas dance Hare Hare Yukai) by naizouken426, 2007. Based on the Haruhi Dance from Hare Hare Yukai.

From 256arts (2010).

Channeler characters by Takashi Ohashi, 2012. See previous post and video.


CHANNELER by Ohashi Takashi (2012)

Japanese Hip-Hop video using abstract and dynamic text art:

This animation is a visual music with Japanese HIPHOP.
Is a video using the scripts (Japanese , English and symbols ) and abstract animation.

Theme is the “word”.

This animation story, depicts the life of a Japanese man.
People can learn a variety of words (polite form and slang) to grow.
However, people sometimes take possession by the words.
Because the word is a sound intellect possessed.

Abstract animation express that the ghost of the intellect.
scripts to express life of man.
scripts will be a picture of one that rhymes.

More Here

An ad for Dwango that was aired on TV in Japan. “This was around the time when FLASH material was still gaining popularity and AA creation was active on 2-chan” according to a Youtube comment.

魔理沙は大変なものをAA化していきました (Marisa turned difficult things into AA) made by John in 2007. It’s an ASCII art (AA) adaptation of the short version of Iosis’s Touhou Otomehayashi track 2, Marisa Stole Something Terrible.

It took 1-2 months to make the 600 frames of the animation, and all of them are available here.

Post updated in 2024.

PC man by 256art (2010).

Posted 2012/04/07(Sat) 07:01 by lonepine_178