Tag Archives: unicode

Programming in hieroglyphics using Haskell and Unicode. By Nadim Kobeissi.

Unicode cat posted by bluemoon0929 here.

Facebook text art by mammifero. More here.

The demo-page at Wall of Text atm.
h/t: SiXX

Unicode art from 2005. The full collection from unicodeart.com.

h/t Daniel Temkin

Generative and coloured Unicode works by Ignotus the Mage, 2013.

more here

Monodraw – an ASCII-editor for the Mac under development. It’s presented primarily as a way to model ideas and structures, rather than making art.

Monodraw allows you to easily create text-based art – like diagrams, layouts, flow charts and visually represent algorithms, data structures, binary formats and more. 

sourceh/t: prostheticknowledge. (and yes, technically it’s Unicode and not ASCII)