Tag Archives: advertising

χχχ Text-tv from the swedish TV channel TV4 (2012).

χχχ Text-tv from the swedish TV channel Kanal 9 (2012).

Teletext roundup ● Modcomp Profile ● US Videotext Scene

Could’ve been a demo party, but it’s the North American Videotex, 1985.

χχχ Text-Tv from the Swedish TV-channel TV6, 2012.

More χχχ Teletext pages from the Spanish Cuatro Televisión TV-channel. Somehow magically corrupted by hebrew.

European teletext is full of χχχ, as you know. Here are recent photos from the Spanish Cuatro Televisión’s dirty areas around page 600-800. It’s full of tarot, gambling and pr0n. For some reason this TV inserted a lot of hebrew characters as a nice bonus. More coming up!

Dare Agency Business Cards

ASCII ad in Providence Journal, 1862. More 1800’s ASCII ads here.

Prestel, cover from 1982

Atari’s Compugraph (1976) – an ASCII photo booth. You have your picture taken and get a dot matrix print out (11×14 inches) after 90 seconds. A more recent approach to textmode photography is the Descriptive Camera, in case you missed it.