Ancient baskets, mostly from Peru.
Source: A study of the textile art in its relation to the development of form and ornament by William H. Holmes.
Ancient baskets, mostly from Peru.
Source: A study of the textile art in its relation to the development of form and ornament by William H. Holmes.
Insular art was formed out of Celtic Christianity around 600, and was popular in the UK. Here is first David from the Durham Cassiodorus (early 8th century) and secondly, Book of Lindisfarne (late 7th century).
Mishneh Torah MS A 77. Northeastern France 1296
fol. II.117r, via
Science at work! Trying to decipher Rongorongo, an old style of writing from Easter Island. From Wikipedia:
If rongorongo does prove to be writing and proves to be an independent invention, it could be one of very few independent inventions of writing in human history.