Tag Archives: antiope

Minitel online issue of the women’s magazine Marie Claire, via.

Teletel is the oft forgotten name of the network that you use with a Minitel terminal.

Eureka is the name of a Minitel RTC server who worked in Rennes from 1992 to 1995.

The first issue of Minitel Magazine (January/February 1984), via.

EDTA, a Minitel server

Justine de Sade. Minitel adaptation made by JET7 (Stephen Belfond and Sophie Marin). Watch the flash version here.

Pinky was a hobbyist Minitel micro server, 1986-1992. It received around 30,000 calls. It ran on Atari ST and Telestrat.

Minitel Japan

Eduardo Kac, Tesão, 1985/86 – Videotex (minitel) animated poem.

When François Mitterrand was elected president in France 1981, they revealed it with a Minitel animation slowly drawing this portrait line by line.