Tag Archives: videotex

Micronet 800 was an information provider on the British Prestel videotex service.

via Tim Koch.

Telecartes – phone cards for Minitel.

via Minitel Research Lab

In November 1981 in UK, Kenneth Baker, the Minister for Information Technology, proclaimed 1982 as “Information Technology Year, IT-82” to support the use of IT, like teletext and viewdata. via

Datavision, Swedish videotex service (1979)

EDTA (1986-1996) Minitel Micro servers for Amstrad, via

Pictex (1988), a videotex graphic editor by Serge Villa.

Arduino-connected Minitel by SoranneFr, 2010.

Servizio Videotex, picture by Lorenzo

A Minitel prototype presented in 1979, via.