Tag Archives: poetry

More H.N. Werkman.

Wachstum by Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt, 1980.

Excerpt from 5 Biblical Poems by Jackson Mac Low, made in 1955 and published in 1968. Made by chance, using the bible. From Words to be Looked at.

Juan Díaz Rengifo, “Aquinas” Arte Poetica Española” Barcelona, 1726

KYKAFRIKAANS (1976-1980) by Willem Boshoff.

Georg Philipp Harsdörffer (1607-1668)


 15th Century BOOK OF HOURS – Heart-Shaped When Opened

The little book of hours of Amiens Nicolas Blairie, carefully written on a thin Ruling rose, but modestly decorated with some original illuminations in ink (folio 29), has the curious shape of an almond when it is closed. When it opens, the two halves of the almond bloom to fit the contours of a heart, concrete evocation of the heart of the person praying the prayer that opens.

Simias Rhodius, “Wings of Eros in Theocritus / Eidullia Theokritou Triakonta” ca. 325 B.C.

Espantapájaros by Oliverio Girondo, 1932, via.

Voiceworks from Holly Pester (2009).

2024-update: broken link, but the website is partly at archive.org