Tag Archives: 1910s

Page 53 in Typographical Printing Surfaces by Legros & Grant, 1916. The universal langauge of emojis, eh? via Karly Wildenhaus.

Glenn Fleishman found a 1916 emoji story in this book.


St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Missouri, January 21, 1910


Design for a tile floor, and entrance hall /  Theo van Doesburg (c.1917)

Theo van Doesburg / Press card. May 1917-November 1918.

Theo van Doesburg / Female nude with Hand on Her Head. 1917

Theo van Doesburg / Study for Composition VIII (The Cow). 1918 (?)

Theo van Doesburg / Girl Knitting on the Harbor 1918 (?).
charcoal and gouache on paper

Monograms by Theo van Doesburg (1919)