Tag Archives: sloyd


The bride of Frankenstein and Frankenstein finally completed!

Kulturen 2009 – Folkkonst, Charlotte Åkerman. Via.


One Long Brutally Mangled Epiphany – Oh Well by Richard Boulet.

Found at Stopping Off Place.

cross stitch iPhone shell by Emma Lindqvist, via

Made in the Kuba Kingdom in Africa. They are sometimes called Children of Woot because they believe in a supernatural being called Woot.

Detail from a 1.2 meter beaded mask. Made in Western Cameroon. via

Kommando Slöjd at kulturlagret (Göteborg).

Eurasian Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) with LEGO blocks by Arjen Vuurzoon (2011).

Papel picado (“perforated paper”) is a decorative craft made out of paper cut into elaborate designs. In Mexico, papel picado is especially incorporated into altars during “El día de los muertos”. Thanks to Geraldine for the tip!