Tag Archives: videotex

EDTA (1986-1996) Minitel Micro servers for Amstrad, via

Pictex (1988), a videotex graphic editor by Serge Villa.

Arduino-connected Minitel by SoranneFr, 2010.

Servizio Videotex, picture by Lorenzo

A Minitel prototype presented in 1979, via.

Processing vs Arduino vs Minitel (2012)

Minitel microservers, via.

A French Success Story…the Minitel Saga by Marie Marchand (Larousse, 1988), via jmailland.

Viewtron videotex system. Picture by DCvision2006 who dates the photo to 1980, but Viewtron was launched in 1983 according to Wikipedia.

Bildschirmtext was an interactive videotex system launched in West Germany in 1983 by the Deutsche Bundespost, the (West) German postal service. More info here.