Matches for: “andrew hurle” …

Women by Andrew Hurle, 2001. Every line is force justified (filling the whole width), which gives the rectangular form of the bodies. Shown at the Darren Knight gallery.

Typographic Abstracts by Andrew Hurle, 2000. 

The series below have been typeset, then reduced to create a low magnification, screen impression. They represent an extreme approximation of the ASCII figures as they have been abbreviated within a short serial edition: photo > text > screen > print. At this end of this series, the figures become completely abstract, depicting line and paragraph blocks rather than individual letter shapes.

More Hurle here.

Eighteen Types by Andrew Hurle. Photos of Tokyo bar girls converted to ASCII, and mangled. See the full collection on the artist’s website.

Each of these two women are represented as an ASCII image set in nine different typefaces and has been magnified from an image captured from the computer screen.

Perhaps this was made around the same time as his other ASCII-related works, ca 2000. This post was updated in 2024.