Matches for: “frank singleton” …

Typewriter works by Frank Singleton, 2023.

Typewriter works by Frank Singleton, 2023.

Flower Maze. Typewriter work by Frank Singleton, 2023. “This is a solvable maze with one solution. You can move between words but not between letters in a word. Don’t trample the flowers. I overtyped various letters to create 74 flower textures in 9 colors.” source

Frank Singleton has been making typewriter art at least since the 1980’s and Ramble is his most recent book – a dictionary of (some of) the English language. Limited to 30 copies, it’s available at the Western New York Book Arts Center in Buffalo. h/t: Robert Doerfler

Frank Singleton’s typewriter art shown at Rust Belt Books in Buffalo, NY, 2010.