Tag Archives: typewriter

Cityscape by Simon Parritt, 1972. From Typewriter Art.

Condensation (Zusammenfassung) by Timm Ulrichs, early 1960s. From Typewriter Art.

Spread by Dorothy Yule in Upper & Lowercase Magazine Vol 2, No. 4, 1975. via

Moon song by Tristan Gray Hulse, 1973. From Typewriter Art.

Pitman’s Typewriter Manual, 1893. The portrait at the bottom right is believed to be the oldest preserved typewritten portrait. via

By Jiří Kolář, mid-1960s. From Typewriter Art.

Texture poem for the moons of stars by Peter Finch, 1971. From Typewriter Art.

By Steve McCaffery, from one of his CARNIVAL books, made some time between 1967-1975. Found here. More here.

Typewriter works by Robin Tomens, 2024.

Typo…matic by Josh Bookout, 2012. An electronic typewriter (IBM Selectric) controlled with a computer to make ASCII art. (previously posted without the GIFs)