Texture poem for the moons of stars by Peter Finch, 1971. From Typewriter Art.
Texture poem for the moons of stars by Peter Finch, 1971. From Typewriter Art.
By Sawamura, 2023.
Clip from a work by Alicia Guo published in CURSOR magazine, 2024. “a day where your attention is constantly shifting”
Typewriter works by Robin Tomens, 2024.
By Timm Ulrichs, published in Anthologie zur Visuelle Poesie, 1968.
More Ulrichs posts
US-A by John J. Sharkey, 1969. Sharkey edited Mindplay: An anthology of British concrete poetry, available at archive.org.
Algol (1970 and Textum 2 (1973) by Miroljub Todorović (Мирољуб Тодоровић), who founded the signalist movement.