Tag Archives: 2010s

From Betathing‘s ASCII video for The Working Man by Goto80. Full video here.

ANSI by Misfit & The Creep Fever, 2018. 225 characters wide. Original image from 16colors, found via their Instagram.

PETSCII-works by Adrien Tison.

Murals by DXTR 2017-2018.

Various works by DXTR 2017-2018.

Typewriter map of Africa by the cartographer Daniel Huffman. It was done by resizing a map of Africa into 75×60 pixels, add a shaded relief, categorize each pixel according to intensity, convert it to ASCII, add details in Illustrator, and then type it on a typewriter.

More info and images here.

Video by Turtle Fingers for Interactive Art Lab. Full video here.

Album covers remade in the (post-)textmode tool Glyph Drawing by students at KADK, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. Thanks to Heikki Lotvonen for sharing.