良い子の諸君! (キン肉マン by asciiart (2012)
良い子の諸君! (キン肉マン by asciiart (2012)
Pages from Yack Text, custom made for the Retro Yakking 2012 Christmas Special. Great fun to create!
キャラグラクリスマス by Sugimoto, 2012.
FREEZE!NOBODY MOVE!とかSUPER KICKBACK! MZ-700 pinball graphics by Sugimoto, 2012.
This seems like Youkan’s re-interpretation of a screen in the 1980s game カンニング大作戦. More Youkan here.
“A doodle inspired by Kanegon P’s Idolmaster demo” by Youkan, 2012. More Youkan here.
MZ-700 Encyclopedia, according to Google translate:
So it’s a “propeller rocket”. I read the manual and MZ-sensei says it’s obvious, but I don’t really understand how to take off and land. It’s super amazing.
Making ASCII-art by controlling an electronic typewriter with a computer. Josh Bookout’s Type-O-Matic, via
Coded by Jessica Stürmer, 2012.