Tag Archives: petscii

Our text-mode demo Dansa In is showing today at the UCLA Game Art Festival in Los Angeles. 44 kilobytes is enough to tell a good story, aiit? 

A story with pirates, sloths and sex told completely in text graphics. A blocky and brutal visual aesthetic synchronized with explosives, drunken funk and computer screams. All made in 44 kilobytes, to be executed by a Commodore 64 and its colourful ASCII-alternative called PETSCII. Visuals by Raquel Meyers, audio by Goto80 and coding by Johan Kotlinski.

More here. Original C64-executable available here.

Legowelt organized a C64-game competition, where he would make the soundtrack for the winning game. The game (Loch Ness, pictured above) was never finished, but the soundtrack is available here.

A Commodore 64 music software, overlayed with loom punch cards used as spray stencils, then faxed. From the performance Fax & Frankering For Folket, Copenhagen, 2011. More images at faxforfolket

From bfp.c64.org, a C-64 demoparty in Helsingborg (Sweden) in August. Petscii made by Frantic.

Fågel by AcidT*rroreast [2013]

Obscure C64 textmode software from 83/84. Microtel 600 was for videotex (Viditel in the Netherlands) and telesoftware (software that you download through teletext). Com-In seems to be for radio communication (RTTY) and other things. The software at the top (PA3ASM) is some sort of assembler or machine code monitor?

Pics from here. Thanks to Akira for the suggestion.

Commodore 64 disk directory art (dir art). Wildfire [1997] by Coma, Krestology 100% [1996] by Crest, Arcanum [2000] by Xenon, Revolved [2013] by TRIAD,  +H2K [2000] by Plush, and Deus Ex Machina [2000] by Crest, Oxyron

Skane by Dino [2004]

The Park by 9-year-old Richard Hadland. Won first prize in the Under 12 Still category in Commodore’s International Art Challenge 1984. via Commodore Computing International (vol 3, 1984).

‘The key’ by Uka (2013)