Various works by Dutch typographer Jurriaan Schrofer, mostly from 1960s and 1970s.
Various works by MuirMcNeil. More at their internet website.
Typographische Monatsblätter nr 11, by Wolfgang Weingart 1970.
More at design-is-fine.
Book cover design by Walter Breker, 1960. Unusual style compared to other text graphics at the time, somewhere inbetween typewriter art and typography perhaps.
via design-is-fine:
Walter Breker, cover artwork for the book Reisebericht. Aluminium in der Architektur der USA, 1960. Düsseldorf, Aluminium-Verlag. Via Shuij Fukuda / pinterest
Steve Jobs & Susan Kare, by Charis Tsevis for Typorn, 2014. Uses the 1-bit fonts of the first Mac.
h/t: prostheticknowledge
Web-based Lite-Brite experiment by Ty Wilkins, 2009.
Illustration by Frere Amer in Transformation, Issue 3, 1952. via