Tag Archives: 1970s

Hiroshi Kawano, Untitled, 1972, serigraph from the Art Ex Machina portfolio.

Frieder Nake, Untitled, 1972, serigraph

Pantonaef was a LEGO-like block system made by Verner Panton in the 1970s. More here and here.

Luis Arambilet’s ASCII created in 1975 with punched cards 80 columns and IBM 370-115 CPU.

Gruppo 9999 (Giorgio Birelli, Carlo Caldini, Fabrizio Fiumi, Paolo Galli).
h/t Miska Knapek

Introducing Teletext in the late 1970s, via.

PETSCII kaleidoscope from Kilobaud Microcomputing Magazine July 1979. h/t: Tim Koch. Reminds me of In A Loop by Ate Bit.

Kana keyboard for the Commodore PET, from Wikipedia.

Ceefax press release dating from 1977 charts the first three years of the world’s first ever teletext service, via.