Nice work by Daniel Rozin. Doesn’t use a screen!
via rhizomedotorg.
Crappy GIF-animations from a cam-version of a new demo for the 8-bit MSX computer: Amurisus by Lieves!Tuore. Check the original video here.
@ Anti-Air asciimation by Steve, 2006.
Pixel artist Hermippe seems to be quite inspired by text mode aesthetics.
Some really nice scenes in this music video. Petula Clark – Cut Copy Me.
An ANSI game simply called Shoot’em, which uses sounds that sounds like old Amiga music, which is actually from another game, which has a 90’s website, which is good, which is nice.
From The Flight of Icarus by Georges Schwizgebel, 1974. Watch the full thing here. Thanks to Rico Zerone for finding this gem!
蛋糕 BY wengee (2011).