Tag Archives: usenet

By Susie Oviatt, 1992-1994. She was part of the minority of people who made blocky ASCII instead of line-based ASCII on Usenet in the early 1990s (also see RikRok).

Also: Susie Oviatt’s ASCII art tutorial.

By RikRok Keech, 1993. The blocky ASCII-style was less common than line-based ASCII on Usenet in 1993, as far as I’ve seen. Keech uses negative space, which sets these works apart even more. On the other hand, portraying animals fit right into 1990’s Usenet.

(I’m assuming this was published on Usenet, but not sure?)

Work stages for Normand Veilleux’s ASCII Mona Lisa, 1994. From his tutorial about manually converting images to ASCII using a grid.

An Atari 2080ST in ASCII by Valkyrie in the 1990′s. 

(The 2080ST actually existed in Yugoslavia and had a really big floppy eject button.)

Aardvark by jrei, aka Jens Reissenweber.

Self-portraits by members of the Usenet newsgroup de.alt.rec.ascii-art, 2003.