Tag Archives: painting

Various paintings by Bridget Riley 1961-1981.

Nataraja. Painting by Bridget Riley, 1993.

In Attendence, painted by Bridget Riley 1993.

Fête painted by Bridget Riley in 1989.

High Sky painted by Bridget Riley 1992.

Interiors by Wenzel Hablik in the 1920s, recently restored.

h/t Imaginary Cities

Wenzel Hablik’s dining room, 1923.


‘Electrolite’ by Jon Fox (2010)
(oil on canvas / 180 x 170 cm)

Acrylic paintings by Erik den Breejen, 2011-2014. 

Work in progress by Tyler Deeb, 2014. The photo of the finished work, Dead Flowers Mural, was added in 2024.